Pictogramme Services Cloud

Our Cloud Services

Graphics Computing icon

Graphics Computing as a service

From its three data centres, with two at Tier 4, System Solutions offers fully dedicated configurations with graphics processing units capable of supporting your most intensive uses. Thanks to their computing power, these GPU configurations are designed to speed the processing of parallel tasks.

Icone Partage de fichiers

File Sharing

Grâce à ses trois datacentres, dont deux de niveau 4, System Solutions propose des solutions de partage de fichiers hébergés, de synchronisation et d’accès mobile pour les entreprises.
Nos services d’infrastructure sont hébergés sur le territoire du Luxembourg.

Icone Services Managés

Outsourcing and Managed Services

We provide a comprehensive line of services – from the Data Center Layer all the way to the Application Infrastructure Layer. 

Icon Cloud Hybride

Hybrid Cloud

Within the framework of a hybrid cloud, our consultants are at your disposal to determine the good combination overall which suits to your company.

Icone Sauvegarde dans le Cloud

Backup as a Service (BaaS)

There is no shortcut to organizing and operating the data backup of a company, whatever its size. It implicates consistent and rigorous practices to ensure around-the-clock availability of any data that can be useful or even critical for your business.

Icone Infrastructure

Infrastructure as a service

Your IT infrastructure "pay per use" with a fast delivery.
Thanks to our three datacenters which two of the level 4, hosted in Luxemburg territory. As such, they fully comply with Luxemburg’s data compliance regulations.


Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS)

Your production data is 24x7 safeguarded in our secured datacenters.  This allows you to present a contingency plan to your users and stakeholders for the data loss risks your company wants to be protected from. In case of a quick need for recovery of critical services, you can make use of the farm of (virtual) systems and storage in the System Solutions Managed Private Cloud to get your (virtual) machines up and running in our datacenter.

Price Simulation

You wish to have a first idea of the cost of the outsourcing of your backup or a part of your IT?

Picto Simulateur de prix